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The meditative techniques other than pranayama

Sitting in a comfortable position keeping your spine erect, sit in padmasan if possible. But if padmasan cause you pain for prolonged time you can sit in normal cross sitting.

While sitting , keep your spine erect and head slightly upward. Keep your palm open upward towards sky resting comfortably on your knees.

Inner engineering ...

Close your eyes....

take a deep breath....and as you exhale, relax.......after relaxation

Take one more deep breath...and as you exhale relax more......

Take one more deep breath and as you exhale relax completely.

Now recitate in harmony.

asto ma sadgamya,,,,

tamsho ma jyotirgamya...

martyo ma amritam gamya..

om shanti shanti shanti..

This method make us more concentratic towards learning. Sadhguru seggest it should be done before every class.

The techineque of breathing meditation is called vipsyana dhyan kriya.

In which the meditiating students prime focus is on hisbreath.

Breath itself sound as SS..AHM..

So it is also called S AHM meditation.

One other method of releasing stress from the body is as follows;

sit in padmasan or cross sitting, spine erect and eyes facing front. Palm facing upward resting comfortably on the knees.

Take a deep breath and as you breath in focus on the breathing.

Release the breath and follow the instructrution for every breath in and out.

Tense your feet as you breath in hold for few seconds and release the tension as you breath out.

Tense you calf muscles as you breath in hold for few seconds and releas the tension as breath out.

Tense your knees hold and relese on breathing out

Tense you femer musles hold and release on breathing out.

Tense you pelvic region hold and relese on brathin out.

Tense you lower abdomen hold and release as u breath out.

Tense ur lungs and chest hold and release as u breath out.

Tense ur souldiers hands and palms hold and release as u breath out.

Tense ur face hold and release as you breath out.

Now take deep breaths and relax as you exhale.

Take one more deep breath and relax more as you exhale.

Take one more deep breath and relax completely as you exhale.

There is one more meditiating approach in sadhgurus inner engineering course.

Sit in padmasana

spine erect eyes facing front, head slightly upward from the normal projection.

Sadhguru prefer palm facing upward (not any yogmudra)

take deep and normal breaths.

Start focus on the frontal lob...where it considered prana

the area between eyes .... keep you breath normal and in full capacity.

Filling your lungs completely. Keep ur eyes closed. Focus on the area behind your eyes.(wait at every imaginary place for least 10 sec)

Try to focus on what is inside you. What is in your brain.

Focus on a point in between your eyes.

Now imagine (keeping your eyes closed in this position) a line from the point in your mind to any object one meter ahead from your mind.

Now imagine the focus point (imagine a blue dot in your mind)of your mind is attached to the object 100 meter ahead you.{Draw an imaginary line between your point of focus and the object ahead you}

Now imagine the focus point of your mind is connected to the hill or the temple on the hill 1km ahead you.

Now imagine the focus point of you mind is connected to the place 100km away from you.

Now imagine your focus point of your mind is connect to a lake 1000km away from you through imaginary line.

Now imagine your focus point is connect to the island 10000km away from you.

Now imagine your focus point is connected to the moon.

Imagine your focus point is connected to the sun.

Now imagine your focus point is connected to the galaxy milky way.

Now imgaine your focus point is connected to the infinity.

Deep breath...and relax...


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