नायमात्मा प्रवचलेन लभ्यो, न मेधया (इस आत्मा को प्रवचन से अथवा बुद्धि से प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता) The holy spirit of vedas. .. Brahman is the cause of the universe and everthing that comes out of brahman returns to brahman again. The atman ...so long as there is identification with the body there is feeling of pleasure and pain, but in the absence of any identification with the body there is neither pleasure nore pain. the secrets of the upnishads were share via guru shisya heritage. The identity of the brahman and atman with god and the entire doctrine of the upnishads circle around the soul. Well the most popular follower of upnishad studies was Adi guru sankaracharya. He was a Adwaitwadi. Adwaitwad is the belive that God is in everything and the atman is not different from parmatman if seeked within spiritually. brahman is the supreme soul and out of that supreme soul atman is birthed. Every atom of this universe is the unique signnat...
God does not works for you, he works with you