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Showing posts from May, 2021

Breathing science

  Yoga is one of the six orthodox readings of Indian philosophy. The first breath and it is the most important and forceful inhalation a human will ever take. The initial inflation of the lungs triggers enormous changes to the entire circulatory system, which has previously been geared towards receiving oxygenated blood from the placenta. The first breath causes a massive surge of blood into the lungs, the right and the left sides of the heart to separate into two pumps and the specialized vessels of fetal circulation to shut down seal off and become ligaments that support the abdominal organs. The first inhalation must be so forceful because it needs to overcome the initial surface tension of the previously inactive lung tissue. The force required to overcome that tension in three or four times greater than that of a normal inhalation. To summarise from the moment of birth, human are confronted by breath and gravity two forces that were not present in utero. To thrive, we nee...


  Individuals often gets cold and flu during the winter and spring season. Flu is more severe than jhukam.  लोगों को सर्दी जुखाम की समस्या सर्दियों और बसंत के मौसम मै ज्यादा होती है। जुखाम के लक्षण नाक बहना , खासी होना , जमाव , सरदर्द , बदन दर्द और कभी कभी बुखार का होना भी है।      The symptoms are all too familiar; runny nose, cough, congestion, headache, an achy body, and some times fever.     Ayurvedically speaking, colds are a Kapha disorder. The body builds up an excess of cool and moist Kapha qualities , resulting in congestion and runny nose, and at the same time it may suffer from excess Vata, which reduce gastric fire, leading to chills, loss of appetite and  poor digestion. आयुर्वेद के अनुसार सर्दी जुखाम कफ मै आए बदलाव से होता है। शरीर मै ठंड और नमी के जम जाने से म्यूकस का जमाव और नाक बहने लगती है। इसके परिणामस्वरूप भूख नहीं लगती और पाचन क्रिया भी मंद हो जाती है।     The best remedy for cold is ginger. Ginger great...